The Plan

The plan I have is to document every step of the research I conduct on Advanced Algorithm Adaptive Learning Systems. This will be a sequenced process, as I hope to gain enough knowledge and skills to eventually design my own ALS for my PhD proposal.

concept map for neno ALS

In line with the figure above, I have identified major areas of study that represent the grand scope of ALS studies, these are; learning theories, online learning, adaptive learning design, design-based research, learning analytics and ALS work already done. Under each area of study, I will engage with and review journal articles, books and lectures before developing my own papers on the topic. These reviews will form part of my research synthesis matrix and feed into the work I will be putting together for the development of a new and distinct ALS.

I will be applying for a PhD programme position in the 2022 academic year. This means that I aim to have a structured research proposal for as the basis for the development of the new ALS by the end of November 2021.