Module Design Sprints

Project Description

The Module Design Sprints program was a strategic initiative, running from April to August in 2023, aimed at transforming the teaching approach at the University of KwaZulu Natal (UKZN) through a series of focused training sessions. This project sought to enable faculty to align instructional contexts and teaching styles with learning objectives, creating Moodle modules that offer a rich, engaging, and effective learning experience.

In the capacity of Lead Instructional and Learning Experience Designer, I developed the Module Design Sprint model for faculty training at UKZN, designed as an intensive training intervention to equip faculty with the skills needed to effectively design and develop courses on the Moodle platform. This project was broken down into five sprints, each targeting a specific aspect of module design. The sprints were delivered on MS Teams with videos, presentations and scenario work covered. Additional resources were provided for each thematic area to supplement facilitation.

Sprint 1 - Aligning Learning Objectives and Context

The initial sprint was centered on establishing the foundation for module design by aligning learning objectives with the instructional context and the teaching styles of faculty members. Participants engaged in reflective activities to analyze and adapt their teaching approach to ensure that learning outcomes were effectively integrated into their course Moodle pages. To get faculty members started, a responsive Teaching Style Quiz was provided. This tool allowed faculty to determine their respective teaching styles as well as provided possible blended learning theories that aligned to this.

Sprint 2 - Creating Engaging Module Content and Instruction

The second sprint focuses on the development of dynamic and interactive module content that captivates students' attention and facilitates deep learning. It emphasizes instructional design principles that guide the creation of multimedia-enhanced content and the application of teaching methods that foster engagement and participation. Faculty members were provided with a Blended Teaching Guide that provided tips and strategies for ensuring that the blended learning experience was a meaningful one for students.

Sprint 3 - Developing Effective Assessment Strategies

In this sprint, participants delved into constructing robust assessment frameworks that align with predetermined educational goals. Participants explored various assessment types and learn how to craft strategies and rubrics that provide meaningful evaluation of student learning, contributing to a comprehensive assessment plan for their modules.

Supplemental Resources

Sprints 4 and 5 covered layout design principles and user experience strategies, as well as techniques for evaluating their modules and using student and peer feedback to make iterative improvements. Additional resources were distributed to participants in order to assist them in independently developing on covered strateies within their modules, as well as sharing these with other colleagues within their Schools.

Module Design Template Pack and Blended Module Style Guide

Tools Used